Property Features
• The Niobrara County Irrigated Farm & Ranch is situated approximately 7 miles northeast of Lusk, Wyoming.
• The property consists of 1,882.64± deeded acres and 520± acres of State of Wyoming lease acres, for a total of 2,402.64± contiguous acres.
• Of the deeded acres, 260± are irrigated under two low-pressure center pivots with the north pivot currently planted in grass for high-intensity rotational grazing and the south pivot planted in alfalfa.
• The balance of the acreage consists of heavily sodded grazing land.
• Historically, the currently owners have grazed approximately 150 cow/calf pairs on the property during the summer months.
• A domestic water well provides water to several tanks located throughout the property via an underground pipeline.
• There is a large 3,200 sq. ft. pole barn located on the property.
Cory Clark
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Office: (307) 334-2025
Mobile: (307) 351-9556
Fax: (307) 334-0901